Eternal Comfort:: When we are sick and tired

Man is running behind materialistic desires. This is a fact that a point comes in the way of life when we are at the edge. We are at our breaking point. That is often the turning point in one,s life. But the main aim of life in most cases remains materialistic. So at a time we say "i am sick and tired". At the same time something exists which never lets you down. It keeps you fresh through whole life.

When we are doing something for our desire, we are working for an output. We demand something in return. Secondly we do something for others. At the same time, we expect same from their side as well. When these people do not come up to our expectations, we get hurt. We are tired at that time. When we don,t see any out put in any case, we get tired. Still, the hope remains of output. This is the main cause of getting old, tired, exhausted and sick of life. So lets see something different.

Do whatever you want, but never expect something in return. Do for a cause always. Do for something good but the goodwill of others, for prosperity of others, for comforts of others and never demand something. You will feel something inside you, a feeling of comfort. A feeling of eternal happiness inside you. The people who make a mission for others never get sick of their work. e.g Abdul Sattar Edhi is a social worker in Pakistan. Nobody can mention even a single time he saw Edhi getting late from any accident and not helping people there, not even a single time he looked tired, sick, bore and exhausted. He is always having a smile on his face. This is the point when materialism starts fading and a secret of eternal comfort starts getting revealed to us.

One thing more is that nobody is perfect in this world. Nobody comes up to the expectations. One famous quote is as;
"how can a man remember a man. Man is the one who forgets his creator."
So if we restrict our self to the will of God, we will be more comfortable in this world. Work hard and leave the result to God. You will feel your life getting smooth. All your worries getting away from you and this universe will start moving towards you. Lets have a try...

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