What Matters !!!

This is a world of preferences. The ideological constraints which define the the streams of personality are too toxic in their usage that a sense of frustration has started in the society. The social negativeness has on the verge of climax. All things going simultaneously and sectarian violence adds on to it. So the drastic limits can be expected in the near future.

The very first tin which can do is to short list the preferences. This is because what matters in ones life streamlines the personality traits, public relations, the prestige feeling and above all what is going to come across in the near future.

After shortlisting the preferences one is going to select which one is important and which one can be neglected, postponed or carried on at short call.

But here is a point i.e. do we keep in mind the positivity of our preferences???

We talk about change, revolution, social crimes and much more. But we seem least interested even in changing ourselves. The thing which I want to highlight or convey is that we must give importance to the positivities created by our preferences, our action, our decisions and our social dealings. Because preferences are going to define us and positivity of preferences is going to bring about the change which is required in the society. This is what sufism emphasizes.   

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