Searching Baba (Spiritual Mentor, Sufi)

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by social masses or seekers of Sufi path. This is because of fake spiritual aspects prevailing in our society which have some how managed to deface the true face of Sufism or Tsawuf. Anyhow question is real and requires a simple punch line to be followed.

The point is of having a true desire, urge, and aspiration to follow the path followed by the blessed ones. Yesterday I was discussing it with some one that FAIZ i.e. spiritual blessing is an aspiration and RIZQ like food or what ever included in term RIZQ. It searches it,s seeker like food.

What a seeker needs to do is just being truthful towards his/her urge towards Tsawuf. Rest all would come along by itself. Seeker just needs to follow simple Shriah first of all. Even if he is not able to follow it completely, he must give it a sincere try. Then he should neither let the desire of Tsawuf vanish away nor burn him/her self.

FAIZ will automatically come across the seeker's way. And Baba who is destined to teach seeker would automaticaly come across. Being truthful and sincere towards his/her effort is the key. May Allah bless us all...

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